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The Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund (RHTLF) was created to undertake and pursue litigation and/or negotiations related to the Robinson-Huron Treaty Annuities Claim on behalf of the settlors of the RHTLF and/or their members who receive or are entitled to receive annuities under the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850, as well as others who receive or are entitled to receive annuities under the said Treaty.


The RHTLF is comprised of 21 Trustees appointed by the 21 RHT First Nation Councils. Each is mandated to represent their respective First Nations. Two (2) Trustees from each Sub-Region, as set out below, are appointed to the Litigation Management Committee (LMC) which guides and works with the RHT Chiefs and Trustees and the Legal Team (Nahwegahbow Corbiere).  The current members of the LMC are: Mike Restoule, Chief Patsy Corbiere, Duke Peltier, Peter Recollet, Chief Angus Toulouse and Chief Wilma-Lee Johnston.


Manitoulin Island Sub-Region: Aundeck Omni Kaning, M’Chigeeng, Sheguiandah, Sheshegwaning, Whitefish River, Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory, Zhiibaahaasing.


​North Shore Sub Region: Batchewana, Garden River, Mississauga #8, Sagamok, Serpent River, Thessalon, Atikameksheng Anishnawbek.


Highway 69 Corridor Sub-Region: Dokis, Henvey Inlet, Magnetewan, Nipissing, Shawanaga, Wahnapitae, Wasauksing.


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